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Consumatore finale

To make purchases on the TFNY.it site, the Customer must necessarily:

fall into the category of "final consumer", where "final consumer" means all natural and / or legal persons who use the e-commerce platform without secondary business, commercial or professional purposes. TFNY.it therefore invites all users not attributable to the category of "final consumer" to refrain from sending purchase orders on the Tiffanybergamo.com website and reserves the right not to initiate orders for goods not intended for the final consumer or otherwise to the outside the commercial policy described above;
have been 18 years of age for at least one day;
possess the requisites to enter into a legally binding contract;
have a valid account and e-mail address;
have a valid current account or a credit card accepted for payment on the TFNY.it website (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Diners) or a verified Paypal account;
be aware and accept under your own responsibility that the use of the TFNY.it website is governed by the legislation in force in the Italian State.



All the contents of the TFNY.it website (texts, images, characters, graphic design, music, software, codes and format scripts) are the exclusive property of Club 88 S.r.l. and are protected by copyright. Therefore, they cannot be reproduced in any way without the express and explicit written consent of Club 88 S.r.l. Likewise, it is categorically forbidden - under penalty of prosecution by law - any use of the contents and trademarks present on the site (copying, reproduction, alteration, transmission, publication or redistribution) without the express authorization of Club 88 S.r.l.
TFNY.it declines all responsibility in the event that, due to a malfunction and a particular configuration of the computer in use by the Customer, the colors of the products displayed on the site do not faithfully reflect the original ones, but show slight differences compared to the articles published. On the other hand, in the event of discrepancies between the items on sale and those reproduced on the site - due to sudden changes made during production - the Customer who places the order will be contacted by TFNY.it Customer Service to be informed of the changes themselves. and then express your consent, requesting the possible cancellation of the order or the refund. The same Customer Service of TFNY.it also undertakes to provide the Customer with timely communications in the event of unavailability of the items ordered on the site.
TFNY.it guarantees the protection of its site according to international standards for the internet, but declines all responsibility for any problems, damage or risks that the Customer may encounter while using the site or any malfunctions related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.
The use of the TFNY.it site - which contains information on clothing products and how to purchase them - implies acceptance by the users / customers of the rules and legal conditions of this declaration. Failure to accept them allows Tiffanybergamo.com to exercise the right to request users / customers to abstain from viewing and using the site.



All the contents of the TFNY.it website (texts, images, characters, graphic design, music, software, codes and format scripts) are the exclusive property of Club 88 S.r.l. and are protected by copyright. Therefore, they cannot be reproduced in any way without the express and explicit written consent of Club 88 S.r.l. Likewise, it is categorically forbidden - under penalty of prosecution by law - any use of the contents and trademarks present on the site (copying, reproduction, alteration, transmission, publication or redistribution) without the express authorization of Club 88 S.r.l.
TFNY.it declines all responsibility in the event that, due to a malfunction and a particular configuration of the computer in use by the Customer, the colors of the products displayed on the site do not faithfully reflect the original ones, but show slight differences compared to the articles published. On the other hand, in the event of discrepancies between the items on sale and those reproduced on the site - due to sudden changes made during production - the Customer who places the order will be contacted by TFNY.it Customer Service to be informed of the changes themselves. and then express your consent, requesting the possible cancellation of the order or the refund. The same Customer Service of TFNY.it also undertakes to provide the Customer with timely communications in the event of unavailability of the items ordered on the site.
TFNY.it guarantees the protection of its site according to international standards for the internet, but declines all responsibility for any problems, damage or risks that the Customer may encounter while using the site or any malfunctions related to the deactivation of cookies in the user's browser.
The use of the TFNY.it site - which contains information on clothing products and how to purchase them - implies acceptance by the users / customers of the rules and legal conditions of this declaration. Failure to accept them allows TFNY.it to exercise the right to request users / customers to abstain from viewing and using the site.



In full compliance with the Customer's rights and to ensure complete satisfaction, TFNY.it undertakes to recognize the Customer to exercise the right of withdrawal, as required by Legislative Decree 22 May 1999, n.185 "Implementation of Directive 97 / 7 / EC relating to the protection of consumers in the field of distance contracts "referred to in Article 5
Exercise of the right of withdrawal

1. The consumer has the right to withdraw from any distance contract, without any penalty and without specifying the reason, within seven working days starting:
a) for goods, from the day of their receipt by the consumer where the obligations referred to in article 4 have been met or from the day on which the latter have been satisfied, if this occurs after the conclusion of the contract provided that no later than term of three months from the conclusion itself;
b) for services, from the day of the conclusion of the contract or from the day on which the obligations referred to in Article 4 have been fulfilled, if this occurs after the conclusion of the contract provided that no later than three months from the conclusion itself.
2. In the event that the supplier has not fulfilled the obligations referred to in Article 4, the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal is three months and runs from:
a) for goods, from the day of their receipt by the consumer;
b) for services, from the day of the conclusion of the contract.
3. Unless otherwise agreed between the parties, the consumer cannot exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in paragraphs 1 and 2 for contracts:
a) the provision of services whose execution has begun, with the consumer's agreement, before the expiry of the seven-day term provided for in paragraph 1;
b) the supply of goods or services whose price is linked to fluctuations in financial market rates that the supplier is unable to control;
c) the supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalized or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are liable to deteriorate or expire rapidly;
d) the supply of audiovisual products or sealed computer software, opened by the consumer;
e) supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines;
f) betting and lottery services.
4. The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the deadline, a written communication to the geographic address of the supplier's headquarters by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. The communication can be sent, within the same term, also by telegram, telex and facsimile, provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt within the following 48 hours.
5. If the goods have been delivered, the consumer is required to return them or make them available to the supplier or the person designated by him, according to the methods and times provided for in the contract. The deadline for returning the goods cannot in any case be less than seven working days from the date of receipt of the goods.
6. The only costs payable by the consumer for exercising the right of withdrawal pursuant to this article are the direct costs of returning the goods to the sender, where expressly provided for in the distance contract.
7. If the right of withdrawal is exercised by the consumer in accordance with the provisions of this article, the supplier is required to reimburse the sums paid by the consumer. The refund must be made free of charge, in the shortest possible time and in any case within thirty days from the date on which the supplier became aware of the consumer's exercise of the right of withdrawal.
8. If the price of a good or service, which is the subject of a distance contract, is wholly or partially covered by a credit granted to the consumer, by the supplier or by third parties on the basis of an agreement between them and the supplier, the contract credit is terminated by law, without any penalty, in the event that the consumer exercises the right of withdrawal in accordance with the provisions referred to in the previous paragraphs. The supplier is obliged to notify the third party granting the credit that the consumer's right of withdrawal has been exercised. Any sums paid by the third party who granted the credit for payment of the good or service up to the moment in which he is aware of the exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer are reimbursed to the third party by the supplier, without any penalty, without prejudice to the payment of accrued legal interest.

The return must necessarily take place, therefore, at the expense and under the responsibility of the Customer within 7 days of delivery and only on condition that the returned items are intact and never used.